As these characters grow older (which doesn't mean much in a future where most people live at least a couple of centuries), they are definitely experiencing character growth as well. Chase becomes uncomfortable with her seemingly stagnate unadventurous role as a glorified secretary/pilot and in dealing with the fallout of Alex's reputation in some circles. Though he is great at exposing mysteries and discovering answers, he's seen more as a looter or tomb robber - selling artifacts to the highest bidder.
Their investigations this time have disasterous implications for some people, opening up a can of worms that have been hidden for 25 years. Chase and Alex struggle to make it right.
I love the setting in these novels. Jack McDevitt tells the story (or rather, Chase does) as if the reader is intimately familiar with the world(s), the technology, etc. And makes the reader feel right at home, come in, have a cup of coffee. It's always good to get back to this world.
If your a fan of the Alex Benedict novels, read it! If you've never read one, I suggest you go start further back in the series and work your way to this one and get to know the characters before embarking on this adventure with them.
Echo was provided to me by the publisher for the purpose of review. Ace is awesome like that!
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